Thank you Pinterest! Can't get enough of this site. Heard a DJ on the radio the other day say she was done with Pinterest because she, "has already made all the boards she wants to make." Are you kidding me?! I literally lose chunks of my day pinning and pinning (and pinning and pinning).
I think this quote touches on an important point about our own comfort zones. We typically seek out things that are comfortable- people, places, jobs, situations- because it helps ease our anxiety. We equate the idea of something being comfortable with being good, when in reality the two are not synonymous. In fact, often we mistake comfort for affection, or fulfillment, and it causes us to stay stuck and stalled in friendships or relationships that are destined never to go anywhere.
I really believe life does begin at the end of your comfort zone. Some of the most thrilling experiences in my life have been when I have tip toed outside of my daily routine of what I feel is comfortable and tried something new: getting a tattoo, traveling on a plane alone, going to a networking happy hour where I knew absolutely no one. Just that feeling of being able to tell yourself "I did it" makes it all the sweaty palms, shortness of breath, and nervous chatter worth it. And it doesn't have to be skydiving or bungee jumping, either. Sometimes the smallest of leaps can have the biggest impact.
So, ponder this: when will you step outside of your comfort zone? When will your life truly begin?
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